Aku vs SS 3
The one..who always there for me since 2010
Suddenly.. 2 weeks tak contact hmmmmm..
Adakah ini rasa left out...kehilangan..ditinggalkan..
Yg selama ni aku bagi kat dia
Baru aku tahu pedihnya hati tu. diam tak bersuara lagi..dah takde indah..
And aku mula rasa situation yg sama aku hadao dulu2.. the feel that I’m starting to lose another person in my life..and that’s you.
I’m sorry that i never pay that love. Sorry that i pretend to not understand that feelings of yours and I’m sorry that i dont appreciate you all this while.
I guess it’s about time you too leaving me out here right?😊
My #9yearschallenge is a lot worse than #10yearschallenge