D vs aku last

why i said last?..

Because he’s already finish his contract with mydin. And now we’re no longer in a same place. He’s going to find a new job and meeting a new friend and maybe a new girl crush whichhh wayyy better than me.

And here am i...
Still missing him. I thought about him all time. Yess i become more focused toward my job now but deep inside, i did it to make me busier...so I didn’t habe to think about him. But everytime i pause, i still think about him 😢 this pain is real...i still can see his present at every glance.

If only he can be on my side forever...

But it’s just a dream. He’s got his own girl and I’m stupid if I’m hoping anything from him.

I dont know if it’s love or what but whatever it is... it is one pure feeling i have towards him..he’s not the dream guy i dream...he’s totally opposite everythinf..but he really have this pure heart that i searcing for..

But it’s over now..

Yesterday, 9/10/2020 was his last day working here. He did say goodbye to me...and i think yesterday was the longest time he keeps on sitting by my side. Sebab dia jadi packer counter aku😊 yg aku dah agak dari petang lagi.. bila la dia nk dtg kaunter aku😂 sekali dia offer nk packer aku, jual mahal..pastu mencarut dalam hati MALU TAPI MAHU

And he’s being understanding me.....asking again for the second time terus aku SETUJU bagi plastik haahhaahha . You really know me right? Yes i need that time so much to spend the last moment with you. And i appreciate every single second we had that night. Yes my hand is moving and interact with customer but my heart wont stop beating and my mind busy thinking about things to talk to you. And there we were like in our own world...at counter 30 that time.

Guess what...

The last gift i give to him...
Aku ada selit surat kat dalam..but seriously i dont think he found that lettet yet. Sebab dia xde cakap pape kat ws. Ke sebab aku ada warning kat surat tu ‘dont talk about this letter on ws’ hmmmm
But i really need to know dia dh baca ke belum..that letter of my heart.

I’m afraid org lain yg buka and baca hmmmmmmm

I know it means nothing but it’s not easy to let people read what my mind thinking and my hand writing.

So our next merting going to be on our convocation day. I don’t know what to expect.!i just hope i didnt see his future wife to be there..... i know I’ll be hurt but please... let me feel this alone. Please....


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