D vs aku 2

So.. this 2 month working is all about him
We got too close
Tanpa sedar ramai mata memandang and mungkin ramai yg tak puas hati or menyampah

Aku dgr banyak cerita mengejutkan
Of how he has this baran side.
Benda ni sgt mengejutkan aku sampai kena anxiety attack seriuss
Of course org tu sampaikan kat aku
And ada jugak org taknak cerita dekat aku

Gosip mmg aku rasa dah jadi bahan bualan org
Ingat setakat tu je tapi hahahaa
Ada yg claim aku ni gatal sebab layan sgt dia
Sampai dia langsung x kacau org lain
Kebabian apakah?
Ohhh and ada perbualan bodoh....

Orang: nak mengumpat pasal D jangan cakap tepi sarah.. dia awek D
Aku: senyum sambil menafikan (as usual)
Orang lain: kannn tapi kesian sarah.. DIA DAH ADA MAKWE. orang bandar sama katanya tak main la dengan org sini.


Selama ni dia yg duk kacau aku rapat dekat tapi aku yg kesian.
That’s so funny
And i feel kinda hurt...i dont know why

Either sebab

Ayat org tu


Dia dah ada awek tapi buat depan aku macam takde

Maybe both.

Yes aku bukannya suka dia...
But it’s nice to have someone so energetic towards you. He’s a good listener suka ceriakan hari2 aku ajd paling penting always make me smile

I do love to be with him!!!!!!

Not as lover


I promise to myself no more love



Sejak tu aku cuba avoid dia to never did it. He’s always there calling my name in crowd. Always with that smile. Can’t help but to smile back to him. Always with that silly jokes😢

So i decide to ignore what people said and become his gossip partner dengan rela hati.
I’m happy more than ever. Can’t remember the last time a man make me smile this much.

But of course.....
My happiness never last.
Today which is 15/1/2020 he’s quiet.
Yes he no longer longing to me. He start to avoid me. So bad till people around me start asking
‘Why D not sticking with you today?’
And i dont have any answer to that..

Did i said something hurt him?

Did his lover ask him to avoid me?


Did he himself start to avoid me because he is bored or done testing me??? Trying to make me fall for him???? If he did.. how could him😢😢😢this fragile heart has Lready broken enough to take another one. I already learn enough to take another lesson.

This thing perkenalan with boy...
Again hurt me so bad.
Really hurt.
I did mengaku aku cuba utk suka dia (before i knew about he already belong to a girl)
It’s hard
I’m procrastinate. Semua sgt kabur and tak jelas
So this is the reason....

It’s never easy to treat a broken heart

It’s hard to love again.

Forget all this.
You’re a man, remember?



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