Aku vs goodbye to wmas

finally..aku bg kata putus..goodbye.

Aku xleh layan sgt benda bodoh ni. Nanti keluar track balik bahaya. Stick with your identity sor!!!

of course aku yg pengecut ni cuma cakap undirectly dalam story ws.. which aku buat only share with his number,

and dia reply


pun undirectly kat status ws dia. hahhahahahahahhaha

literally i just told him that im a loser that'd still love him after a fcking year..wasted.
and i told him how i'm not gonna let that feeling to haunt me again.

so i will back off.
this useless feeling that should die a long time ago i will bring along and shut if off again.

like, maybe...give someone who deserve me a chance...

like ss........


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