3 month has passed. tempoh yg sama dgn tempoh perkenalan. means i have live the same period but without him. and I'm Okay!! pheww..you're definitely a strong woman MAN now, sarah ;) yup it is the hardest but weirdly everything just passed smoothly..never felt this strong. i guess i have found the turning point of my life. i shall thank u then. THANK YOU ENCIK PLAYBOY WMAS congrats on your becoming wedding and semoga berubah jadi org yg bermanfaat untuk sekeliling. you're more than what you're thinking. you can still be a good son and a good slave to Allah, you just need someone to guide you there. good luck. semestinya sakit, but my tears isnt worth to cry because of you. so i choose back off and be strong. dgn ini baru aku sedar, bila jadi diri sendiri..itu la yg terbaik. im done pretending im a weak girl ...deep inside imma strong boy!! people who concern about me will ask me..did you hate him? well..of course i...