aku bebas

i dont remember the last time seorang aku... bebas untuk buat keputusan or do anything on her own decision. guess time change everything. i ws once stupid little girl yg menurut kata stranger..lelaki..yg aku juga tak pernah pasti ..is he the right one for me? not just one man...
but all of them..

i lost in my own battle. i give up all my hope. i waste everything that Allah granted to me. i was nearly destroying my own path of life. i never thought i cn still make things right till today. i once thought everything's already over. but im wrong.

everything that hurt me finally turn out to be the thing that strenghten myself..  skrg aku bebas sepertimana seorang manusia patut bebas. aku bahagia menjadi aku. kalau dulu 24 jam tak cukup..kerana melayan rindu..kata2 manis bodoh semua tu..skrg aku byk masa terluang..dan lebih byk masa merindui family.

despite all those dugaan, im still here fighting. tq allah for making me still here. semoga kesemua mereka di dalam jagaan mu. semoga mereka jumpa jodoh yg sebenar..semoga tiada di antara masa lalu aku dtg kembali. jauhkanlah ketentuan kami.

hey jodoh2ku yg dulu. thank u for everything. and for the lessons, i really appreciate them all.


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