
Showing posts from May, 2017

aku VS yayasan sime darby

dalam banyak2 benda...ada jugak benda aku fail. tapi paling fail adalah uruskan hal2 yg berkaitan diri seperti dokumen, persiapan untuk ke mana2 dan apa2 je la yg berkaitan dengan preparation. why i am so weak in this thing!!!! bunyi simple tapi sulit dia tu..tuhan je tau. baru2 ni aku ade dapat interview untuk Yayasan Sime Darby . skrg dia dh colleberate dgn yayasan peneraju tunas potensi , ada la syarat2 dia utk apply natang ni. so aku pn dapat la email berjaya terpilih ke sesi iv tu minggu lepas. sesi tu pulak hari sabtu kat KL dekat KL sentral.. aku tgh2 syok bercuti kat terengganu kott. so aku confident la tak dapat nak ikut sesi minggu lepas tu. aku siap2 tulis email utk dia balik cakap nak tangguh iv tu kepada next session. pada sangkaan aku, tundaan tu next week date lagi jauh ka. so aku takde la gelabah nak siapkan semua dokumen2 dia nak tu. suddenly hari jumaat sorang pompuan ni call, ckp boleh dtg x hari ahad. next day. 8.30 pagi pulak tu. mak yg ba...

aku bebas

i dont remember the last time seorang aku... bebas untuk buat keputusan or do anything on her own decision. guess time change everything. i ws once stupid little girl yg menurut kata stranger..lelaki..yg aku juga tak pernah pasti .. is he the right one for me? not just one man... but all of them.. i lost in my own battle. i give up all my hope. i waste everything that Allah granted to me. i was nearly destroying my own path of life. i never thought i cn still make things right till today. i once thought everything's already over. but im wrong. everything that hurt me finally turn out to be the thing that strenghten myself..  skrg aku bebas sepertimana seorang manusia patut bebas. aku bahagia menjadi aku. kalau dulu 24 jam tak cukup..kerana melayan rindu..kata2 manis bodoh semua tu..skrg aku byk masa terluang..dan lebih byk masa merindui family. despite all those dugaan, im still here fighting. tq allah for making me still here. semoga kesemua mereka di dalam jagaan mu. s...

Aku bahagia

3 month has passed. tempoh yg sama dgn tempoh perkenalan. means i have live the same period but without him. and I'm Okay!!'re definitely a strong woman  MAN now, sarah ;) yup it is the hardest but weirdly everything just passed smoothly..never felt this strong. i guess i have found the turning point of my life. i shall thank u then. THANK YOU ENCIK PLAYBOY WMAS  congrats on your becoming wedding and semoga berubah jadi org yg bermanfaat untuk sekeliling. you're more than what you're thinking. you can still be a good son and a good slave to Allah, you just need someone to guide you there. good luck. semestinya sakit, but my tears isnt worth to cry because of you. so i choose back off and be strong. dgn ini baru aku sedar, bila jadi diri sendiri..itu la yg terbaik. im done pretending im a                 weak girl ...deep inside imma strong boy!! people who concern about me will ask me..did you hate him? well..of course i...