Alhamdulillah, terasa ingin meluah dan berkongsi rasa di sini. berkenaan dgn dugaan yg melanda aku baru2 ni.. ramai orang tanya "does it hurt?" "are you okay?" "do you regret?" and many more questions i swear i cannot answer honestly. entahlah. aku belajar memahami perkataan redha. ya..aku langsung tak usaha sejak kejadian tu. aku terima sebulatnya. mungkin terlalu penat. atau mungkin aku tau takde ape yg boleh ubah keputusan dia. sebab aku tau aku akn makin sakit kalau memaksa utk org stay dgn aku sedangkan dia memilih untuk pergi. menyesal ke? tak because i've learned too much from this relationship. all this while, the memories keep me strong to face the day ahead. without all those experiences i may end up lost and still being that girl who naive about love. so how much you know about love. well, for me, love is when you ready accepting all the bad things in him and the real self of him. aku dh nmpk semua buruk..semua kelemahan..aku...